Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Have A Glass of Lemonade!

We say make the most of bad situations, turn you lemons into lemonade.  How do you make the most out of failed plans?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Review The Vision

When I am to weary to continue, I have to "review the vision",
When I am desperate to take control of my own destiny, I have to "review the vision",
When I feel that all that I have tried to do seems in vain, I have to "review the vision",
When I feel like it is not worth the wait any more, I have to "review the vision",
When I feel like other people who had no regard for God or His Word seem to have succeeded,
 I have to "review the vision",
When I am ignored, dismissed, and over looked, I have to "review the vision",
When I just cannot see my way through the foolishness, I have to "review the vision",
When my faith seems to be fading and I feel weak, I have to "review the vision",
When I feel like all of my right decisions have not gotten the results I wanted, I have to "review the vision",
When I my strength dissipates, I have to "review the vision",
When I feel I cannot go another further, I have to "review the vision",
"Reviewing the vision", allows me to see the invisible, believe the impossible and do the unthinkable.
"Reviewing the vision", takes me back to the "Word of God" that builds my faith daily.
"Reviewing the vision", gives me the strength to keep it moving.
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Guard Your Attitude!

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father encourage you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.  2 Thessalonians 2:16

The moment I received my "call to ministry", My life became a ministry and the ministry became my life.  I had expectations of how things would be but they were just the opposite.  I began this journey in ministry afraid of the people faces, the people words and I developed a certain attitude.  As I came to know the Lord in a more personal way, my attitude changed (the way I was thinking and feeling).  Then my whole life changed!  It was not important what the people faces looked like or what they thought because the power in me was far greater than what I saw on their faces or what they said out of their mouth.  

"What matters more than the type of service is the heart behind the service.  A bad attitude spoils the gife we leave on the altar for God."  Max Lucado, GRACE

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!  Happy New Year!

Monday, August 27, 2012






Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be Inspired!

"The person who says something is impossible should NOT interrupt the person who is doing IT."  
Chinese Proverb

Have a WILL to WIN and KNOW that it is a FIGHT to the FINISH!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lost Vision

What do you do when the vision and the reality of your life does not match?
  • Pray, pray, pray and pray until God moves on your behalf before you make a a move, or decision to regain vision.
  • Try to find out where you lost sight of the original vision.  
  • Look for ways to revision. 
  • Identify people who are doing what you want to do and begin to emulate what they have done to get on track.  
  • Keep believing, hoping and expecting miracles to happen.  
Is it tough, yes! Can it be heart wrenching, without a doubt! Will you want to give up, yes you will!  BUT, don't do it, TRUST the GOD who SEES and KNOW EVERYTHING!  Develop your FAITH because without it, you cannot please God.  Even when you can't trace the working of God's power you must trust God's Word every hour.