Saturday, April 30, 2011

You Can Make It!

I can say that at times the "journey" through the middle passage is so intense, painful, and debilitating.  God puts us on the potters wheel to restructure and mold us over and over again.  I am becoming numb in the process, numb to opinions from others, my fleshly desires, and to being politically correct.  For me, I am identifying with the feeling of abandonment even though I know that God is present and watches my every move, listens to every word and has sees my tears. Even though I cannot articulate or see what God is creating through this process, I am certain that God is at work.  None of us want to dye to our own 'will" but in order to live unto the Lord we MUST die to self.  When I struggle with being obedient I realize that I am not dead yet but STILL dying.  This process is long but necessary and I have decided to position myself for God to finish God's work in me.  I wait for the day that I too, can say like Jesus did, "It is finished."