Monday, May 14, 2012

Lost Vision

What do you do when the vision and the reality of your life does not match?
  • Pray, pray, pray and pray until God moves on your behalf before you make a a move, or decision to regain vision.
  • Try to find out where you lost sight of the original vision.  
  • Look for ways to revision. 
  • Identify people who are doing what you want to do and begin to emulate what they have done to get on track.  
  • Keep believing, hoping and expecting miracles to happen.  
Is it tough, yes! Can it be heart wrenching, without a doubt! Will you want to give up, yes you will!  BUT, don't do it, TRUST the GOD who SEES and KNOW EVERYTHING!  Develop your FAITH because without it, you cannot please God.  Even when you can't trace the working of God's power you must trust God's Word every hour.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Finding faith in the Middle passage, how long will this part last?  I'm in search of meaning,  the authentic, the pure, the richness that exist in the legitimacy of real character ... hmm mm ...!  I am not the only one, there are others ... they will speak eventually ... don't wait ... speak now ...

Keep Fighting!

I refuse to die and UN-lived life!  I am fighting to break this cycle  ... failing my way to success.  "Once you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will take over ...  Greatness is a choice that you have to make everyday ..." L.B.